Technology Training

Technology?  What about learning the basics, like reading, writing, math and science?

These skills are exactly what are being taught. We are not creating digital stories to teach students how to use Photostory or Animoto. We are not creating SMART Notebook lessons so students know how to interact with the SMART Board.  We are not using social networks so we can practice typing and we are not Skyping for the purpose of using a webcam.  We are teaching reading, writing, math, and science.  Technology is merely a tool used as a means to an end and along the way, students will be learning valuable 21st century skills.


Welcome to Mr. Kohlbrenner's Technology Training Wiki!

Click on the course name below for detailed information.


Digital Storytelling


The 21st Century Teacher


SMART Notebook Basics


Blogs, Wikis, and Social Networks



Useful Sites for Teachers